The custom report area is a very flexible area allowing you to customize reports as you need them.
The most useful area is the list of labels in the left hand corner. You can use this area to decide which labels (and the text which is displayed next to the label) you would like to show and the order in the report each label will be displayed.
To customize this area use the mouse to drag the labels to the location you would like. For example if you would like to show a label named "Company Name" in the area which is now named "Phone Number" you would simple highlight "Company Name" and drag it over "Phone Number" while holding the left mouse button. The labels will switch locations!
You can specify whether or not to show a label by using the mouse button to determine whether or not it is activated.
As you make changes you can see what a record will look like in the sample report output area.
Under print options you can decide whether or not to include headers and what the headers should state. You can also decide whether you would like a line displayed between each record and what the "separator" character will be. You can also specify whether or not to show page numbers.
The system will calculate the number of records which will fit on a page. However, you can change this number prior to printing.
You may save "custom" files by choosing "FILE" and "SAVE AS" from the menu. This helpful feature will allow you to save different reports based on the type of information you are trying to display!